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Bridgit Donnelly

Photo of Bridgit Donnelly

Bridgit Donnelly is a first year MSCAPP student at Harris. Her interests are in data analytics, civic tech, and urban policy. Her goal is to work at the intersection of civic tech, community organizations, and policymakers, leveraging the unique skills of each for social good.


A northern Virginia native, Bridgit grew up wanting to change the world but not knowing where to begin. In 2008, she decided to start with turning her home state blue and took a semester off from Barnard College to work full-time as an organizer in Fairfax County. Over the course of the next five election cycles, she discovered the power of data in helping organizers be more effective and efficient with their limited time.

For the last year, she's worked as the Data Training Manager at the New Organizing Institute as the Data Training Manager, getting fellow organizers hooked on cool data tools.

Contact Me!
Twitter: @BridgitD